Helping individuals and families achieve strength, stability, and self-reliance through affordable homeownership.
Board & Committee Volunteering
Greeley-Weld Habitat for Humanity is comprised of a governing Board of Directors and seven committees that work in collaboration with Greeley-Weld Habitat for Humanity staff to help build homes and hope. Our Board and Committee volunteers are integral to the success of Greeley Habitat.
Board of Directors
Lindsey Galindo,
GWHFH President Senior Vice President, Northern Colorado, First Bank
Matt Wells
GWHFH Vice-President Regulatory Advisor Oxy
Edwin Chapin
GWHFH Secretary & Treasurer Legal Counsel City of Greeley
Tommy Butler
Greeley City Council Member
Pat Califana
Bianca Fisher
Executive Director, DDA
Christine McDermott
Retired, Atmos Energy
Robert McCleave
Retired, Software Engineer
Tyler Richardson
Principal, Richmark Companies
Warren Yoder
Owner of Yoder Family of Companies
Advisory Board of Directors
Steve Baker
Managing Broker Sears Real Estate
Eric Boehner
Partner at Signature Stone
Suzie Espinoza
Real Estate Agent Sears Real Estate
Adam Frazier
President of Real Estate Development, Richmark Companies
Jennifer Gehrman
Owner Making Cents Bookkeeping, LLC
Mike Ketterling
Owner of KBN Engineers
Donna Newton
Michael Valdez
VP of Construction, Baessler Homes
Family Selection Committee
Linda Giardini
Jennifer Gehrman
Lindsey Galindo
Rok Kron
Rolando Contreras
Theresa Myers
Vicente Vega Ruiz
Ralph Tarnasky
Joy Waters-Urias
Interfaith Relations Committee
Carla Ikenouye
Cheri Witt-Brown
Corny Dietz
Dana Anderson
Karen Geibler
Lizette Pomales
Marian Ruge
Finance Committee
Celia Morse
Cheri Witt-Brown
Lindsey Galindo
Evidence of Program Success
Our volunteers further our Habitat mission by being advocates for our program. Our volunteers often become committee members, and in turn, our committee members occasionally become members of our board.
Interested in becoming a Board or Committee volunteer?
Contact Cheri Witt-Brown, CEO at
(970) 352- 6766 ext. 102